Monday 6 June 2016

17 Facts About Me ...


1 - When I was 5/6 I used to think you couldn't eat ice cream coans , so Id eat the ice cream and throw the coan away.

2- I was obsessed about pot noodles and pizza , its literally all id eat .

3- My favorite film is 'Alice and wonderland through the looking glass' . Feel free to comment your favorite film .

4-  I got voted prom queen , I was quite shocked to .

5- My favorite youtubers are Zoella Sugg and  Alfie deyes .

6- I cant live without music .

7- I still sleep with my teddy since I was 7 years old .

8- I cant stand walking , id rather stay indoors all day !

9- I want to adopt a child when im older

10- I hate it when I have to speak to new people , However I am probably one of the noisiest person once you know me  .

11- I used to eat lucky charms all the time .

12-  I dislike ' Healthy' food I just munch on junk food

Me as prom queen 2015 
13- I would love to live in America

14- I am creative .

15- I hate summer - well the heat it gets far to hot  .

16- I like to spend a lot of time on my own .

17 - I have a messy room .

Hope you found this blog interesting feel free to comment it would be lovely to get to know the people that are reading my blog . How about you guys post facts about yourself ?

From Beth xx